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Department of Slavic Languages
Columbia University

Vagrius Publishers
To Whom It May Concern

February 6 1999

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing on behalf of Aleksei Plutser-Sarno whose manuscript is under consideration in your publishing house. I am no linguist and no lexicographer (I teach Russian literature at Columbia University), and therefore cannot offer you a critique of particular lexicographic strategies chosen by the author. Still I believe that my professional qualifications allow me to give a general assessment of Mr. Plutser-Sarno's work.
I believe that there are two main reasons in favor of publishing Mr. Plutser-Sarno's work. First, a good dictionary of Russian obscene words and expressions is long overdue. None of the major general dictionaries of the Russian language are adequate in this respect. This presents difficulties not only for linguists but also for literary scholars, especially those working with Russian post-modern literary production. Mr. Plutser-Sarno's work will be thus greatly appreciated. The second reason for publishing Mr. Plutser-Sarno's dictionary is the thorough and exhaustive character of his work. His dedication is truly remarkable. He is meticulous in collecting and classifying his material. The wealth of examples included in each entry is particularly remarkable. Mr. Plutser-Sarno's work will be an invaluable source for further linguistic research.
In conclusion, I urge you to give Mr. Plutser-Sarno's work a serious consideration.

Irina Reyfman
Department of Slavic Languages
Columbia University



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Last modified 2005-03-21 10:31